The Aurora area has many ways to get outdoors and have some fun.
• Check out the Fox Valley Park District for a long list of facilities, parks and trails.
• Go for a walk in your neighborhood and meet a new friend.
• Ask your child to help you in the garden.
• Play in the sprinkler or head to a pool.
• Try a new sport - soccer, baseball, volleyball, the list is endless.
Rainy day got you stuck indoors?
• Make a scavenger hunt to do at home.
• Play “I Spy”.
• Set up a wash station and give your child items they can wash. At school they love washing chairs, tables, and toys during the work cycle.
• Visit your local library.
• Make a puppet show.
• Create an indoor tent and read books together.
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
- Fred Rodgers